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Sunday worship - 10AM

Come See Us!

Whoever you are, whatever your story, you are welcome here.

LVHPC is a group of regular people. We aren't perfect, and we don't have everything figured out. We do want to follow Jesus, grow together, and share God's love with our neighbors.

What are your services like?

Our Sunday worship is built on four movements. Together, these movements tell a story. In the first movement, we remind ourselves that it is God who has called us together as a community and individually as disciples. We do this through music and confession. In the second movement, we seek Jesus together. We do this through Christ-centered biblical preaching and musical reflection. In the third movement, we respond to our encounter with Christ. We do this in a variety of ways, including the celebrations of baptism and communion. In the fourth movement, we remind ourselves that God is sending us into our daily lives to love both God and our neighbors. Together, these movements tell a story. It is the story of the church. The church is created by God, led by Christ, and nourished in the Spirit, all for the sake of the world.

In terms of music, our worship is blended. Most music is led by our praise band. We also have an organ. We often welcome guest musicians to help us celebrate special Sundays. In all these things, we're recognizing that different musical styles help different people draw near to God. We practice making space for each other, and in this way we're trying to love each other well. 

Where should I park?

We have parking lot near the church and designated spots just for our guests.

Where should I go when I enter the building?

We have greeters located at the front doors who would be happy to help you find where you need to go. For families, we also have volunteers at a welcome table near the playground.

Do you provide childcare?

We welcome children in our worship. We do not expect kids to act like miniature adults, and we welcome their wiggles and giggles. Pre-K through 5th grade children are invited to the front for a Children's sermon during our worship. They are then invited to a special lesson in our children's building. They can be picked up by parents and guardians on the playground after worship.

What should I wear?

We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. As a church, we gather to worship God. Our focus is on paying attention to the Holy Spirit and meeting with Jesus. We aren't dressing to impress. While you'll find some of our members is suits and dresses, most of our members wear something in the range of business casual to casual.